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The Circle Of Love & Power™
A Sacred Reunion Of Your Divine Feminine & Masculine Energies
The Spirit Gateways® Circle of Love and Power™ is a monthly small group online interactive meetup with Iana for 90 minutes for Tier 3 members of the Evolutionary Empowerment™ Global Village Membership program.
The Spirit Gateways® Circle of Love and Power™ complements the twice monthly Life Mastery Inner Circle™ small group mentoring that is open only to Tier 3 members by giving participants an opportunity to go deeper into themselves and balance their divine feminine and masculine energies in an intimate and shared sacred space.
Why Community Is Integral To Your Transformation
We all carry traumas, old wounding, pain, suffering and fears and most of us hold them in a “hidden away” inner cocoon until our soul “knows” that it is time to inwardly message you to trust its beckoning to turn you towards what needs to be healed.
Together, we create an intimate and safe space to help you make the shifts needed for you to find your new balance point, breakthrough moment, and alignment into greater freedom, healing, empowerment, and clarity.
A sacred circle created to anchor your deepest personal emotional, physical, and spiritual questions and realizations that call for greater support, the Circle of Love and Power™ builds upon the trust, integrity, and love that each participant brings to the circle.
In the Circle of Love and Power™ the beauty, strength, light and golden wisdom of your integrated divine feminine and divine masculine birth you into a higher octave of your evolutionary journey.
You have the opportunity to change your personal story to create new outcomes in your life.
Reuniting With Your Self
The Spirit Gateways® Circle of Love and Power™ supports each participant to experience the union of their body, heart, and soul as ONE.
Your true masculine resonates in love and your true feminine resonates in power and when they meet within you— your Circle of Love and Power™ is created and something profound and extraordinary happens within you that reverberates through your entire BEing.
As you integrate the opposites within you and find your True Self, there is an awakening process that happens as you learn how to live in the center where your human and divine energies and light meet.
What You Receive
You receive many take aways on a heart-mind level to help you feel truly received and honored.
Fearless insight
Divine self-awareness
Thinking-feeling-BEing at the same time
Support through your personal struggles
Upliftment in your personal relationship(s)
A safe space to share your heart and soul
Freedom to BE who you are and share You
Financial and creative breakthrough experiences
Reunion with your core power and embodied love
Deeper connectivity into the Infinite Source Within You
Shifts in your own self-perspectives, judgments, and awareness
Insights from people who care and want you to succeed BEing You
Breakthrough tools to help you to move from separation into ONEness
Guidance to breakthrough, actualize, and manifest what you need and want
Greater connection to the guidance of your inner divine masculine and feminine
Ongoing release from your personal sanskaric patterns (deep beliefs, imprints and impressions within you)
The gifts that you receive are yours to treasure throughout your life. Apply them from a new integrated balance from within your heart.
Your Confidentiality & Privacy Is Assured
Sharing of your personal stories during the Circle of Love and Power™ is at your discretion, is confidential, and remains within the sacred boundaries of our circle.
This confidentiality and privacy helps to grow a deeper and richer fertile environment for your journey into ONEness so that you can live the love and the pure power that you are.
Recreate Your Life Aligned With Your True Self
Activate Your Full Potential

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