Last Updated 2024.02.01
Iana Lahi and the Spirit Gateways® Institute present all content, courses, training, programs, and events on this website and related membership and/or video-on-demand and/or live streaming websites or live in-person events or trainings and of the Spirit Gateways® Institute, Spirit Gateways® Education, Spirit Gateways® BE System, Spirit Gateways® Leadership, Spirit Gateways® BE ONE. BE YOU.® Podcast, Spirit Gateways® Deepenings courses, Spirit Gateways® Deepenings Mini-Courses, Spirit Gateways® Light Collections, Spirit Gateways® Publishing, Spirit Gateways® 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™, Spirit Gateways® IGNITUM® Professional Training & Certification, Spirit Gateways® Light Mastery, Individual Mentoring, MasterHeart MasterMind™ Group Mentoring, Life Mastery Inner Circle™ Group Mentoring, Spirit Gateways® Circle of Love and Power™ Group Mentoring, Spirit Gateways® The Original Way Teachings™, Whole Self Workout™, ONEness Workout™ and all marketing, promotional, and social media-related content for educational and informational purposes only.
The information provided is not intended to diagnose medical, spiritual, emotional, physical, mental, or psychological conditions nor to claim to prescribe, prevent, treat, mitigate, mediate, or cure such conditions.
No promises as to specific results from any of the Spirit Gateways® free or paid live or recorded programs, course offerings, trainings, or events are promised or implied and all results are the sole responsibility of the person who reads, watches, listens to, hears, or engages in any writing exercise or practice, movement and/or meditation practices that are part of any written, audio, video, live-stream or live in-person course, program, event or training presented by Iana Lahi and Spirit Gateways® Institute.
Iana Lahi and the Spirit Gateways® Institute assume no liability and/or responsibility for any results or outcomes of anyone listening, watching, or participating in any live or recorded programs, courses, or events and disclaim any and all responsibility for personal injury, whether physical, mental, emotional, psychological or spiritual by engaging in any audio or video courses, online live stream event or group mentoring, live in-person event or from any meditation or movement or workbook and/or writing and/or journaling practices that are presented in any live or recorded video or audio courses, programs, trainings, or events presented on this website or any related membership websites on in-person by Iana Lahi and/or her representatives.