Uplifting Humanity Into Light - Moving Through Duality
A FREE Weekly YouTube & Facebook Live Stream

Live Life Through The Experience Of ONENESS
Dedicated to Supporting Women & Men From All Cultural, Religious,
Spiritual, & Ethnic Backgrounds & Gender Orientations To
Know & BE Your True Self In Every Facet Of Your Life
The BE Forum is a FREE weekly 60-minute YouTube and Facebook livestream with Q&A that supports you in creating your life to BE the full expression and manifestation of your integrated spiritual-material Self.
Each month’s powerful theme provides the insights, ignitions, and teachings to heal, anchor, inspire, and uplift you energetically, emotionally, physically, and spiritually into feeling, knowing, and BEing ONE with the Infinite Source within you.
Every FREE weekly livestream heightens your connection to the Source of Infinite Intelligence, Love, Power, and Bliss within you.
Feed Your Soul
Liberate You Heart
Soothe Your Mind
BE Held In The Light
The BE Forum is a bridge between your life path and the most important themes, challenges, dilemmas, and contradictions of these times.
Bring your notebook and pen, your favorite beverage, and your questions and concerns as we step through the spirit gateways together that recalibrate ourselves and the world.
When we realize that love has always been and will always BE the gold that mends our most pressing pain, humiliating, shame, anger, grief, and self-hatred, we end the how’s and the why’s of living in separation from our True Self.
Reconnect Your Passion With Your Purpose
Recalibrate The Frequency Of Your Heart Truth
BE Reunited In Your Body
BEcome The Light That Our World Needs
The BE Forum:​
Focuses on a different monthly theme that will shift you into the center point of your spiritual power in your body, mind, and soul each week.
Expands your perspective on a global and personal level so you can feel and BE whole.
Heals the pain of living in separation while learning how to live an awakened and integrated life so you can feel greater health, vibrancy, and productivity..
The BE Forum guides and initiates you to experience a new paradigm of vitality, happiness, self-realization, and freedom.
The BE Forum is based upon the 4-volume book series BE: The Humanity Blueprint written by Iana Lahi and available on Amazon
The BE Forum helps you to make the fearless changes that you
want to make in your life with greater strength, focus, and ease.
Join the FREE BE Forum by subscribing to the Spirit Gateways® mailing list. All registered participants will receive an email with access information and monthly and weekly theme.
Let Your Anxieties, Fears & Concerns Dissolve
& Return To The Eternal Self That You KNOW Your Self To BE.
Refresh Your Heart & Partake In The Gift Of ONEness.
Illuminate Your Heart.
Illuminate Your Life.
Illuminate the World.™