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BEcome ONE With The Power Of Creation

Facilitator Training & Certification

DanceLahi is a wholistic movement technique that reconnects your physical-spiritual-emotional energies with your soul to become ONE with the luminescent presence of Divine Infinite Source in your body.

DanceLahi is an integrative and uplifting movement experience through the gateways of divine love and power in your body that unify your feelings, spirit, wisdom, vision, knowledge, humility, heart, awareness, and light with Infinite Source within you through becoming ONE in your body, heart, soul, and Infinite Source.

Discover Your Connection to Your Life Energies

In DanceLahi you will discover your intimate connection with your life energies, universal power of ONEness, and have the direct experience with your True Self to realize, navigate, and sustain your empowered and Source directed life journey.

In a series of choreographed and improvisational movement your body opens energetically from the light of your soul, and the music of creation.

Experience the underlying spiritual and physical connections that align you to the momentum of your alignment with Infinite Source.

Some personal benefits that you and your clients can experience by practicing DanceLahi™ include:

BE ONE With Your Whole Self

Become a lover to the pulse, rhythm, flow, and power that is experienced BEing ONE with your whole Self.

  • Know joy.

  • Find true freedom.

  • Liberate your Self.

  • Turn towards the light.

  • Heal your mind and your body.

  • Feel greater connection to who YOU really are.

  • Build stamina and physical-spiritual endurance.

  • Transform your shadow Self into your whole Self.

  • Integrate your masculine and feminine divine energies.

  • Realize your higher purpose and path to self-realization.

  • Move through and beyond the constrictions in your mind.

  • Listen to the sound current within you and feel its rapture.

  • Discover the love that is always here to permeate your BEing.

  • Experience the ecstasy and grace of bliss that lives within you.

  • Shift your personal alignment into the matrix of light of light within you.

  • Journey through the unknown into ONEness and experience your true power.

  • Experience the essence of your soul, and your personal relationship to the Source of life.

  • End the old stories that you tell your Self and believe that keep you in separation and fear.

  • Dance the story of your Creation, your soul, your relationship with Infinite Source, and become ONE.

  • Unify your mind, heart, body, and soul and move through the ways that you ABR (abandon, betray, and reject) your Self.

DanceLahiempowers each practitioner to bring out the true inner you, those parts of your Self that are buried deep within waiting for an opportunity to BE expressed in all of its pure non-ego power and presence.

Who Is DanceLahi For and How You Will Benefit

DanceLahiwas designed for movement artists, ballet and modern dancers, actors, Pilates and yoga teachers, musicians, artists, therapists, and visionaries who want to take their own personal practice to a higher level and in turn be able to offer more value to their clients.

For those of you who LOVE to go beyond your comfort zones and explore your individual connection with Infinite Source, move through old ingrained visible and invisible patterns, and desire to discover, express, and embody your Whole Self into your work, will gain immense benefits from this work.

Some benefits you will receive by being trained as a certified DanceLahi™ facilitator include:

  • Fluidity and ease.

  • Ego free movement.

  • Creative awakening.

  • Whole Self-development.

  • Soul Growth and expansion.

  • Greater movement freedom.

  • Breaking out of mental boxes.

  • Transforming fear and anxiety.

  • Physical emotional connectivity.

  • Psychological and physical stability.

  • Spirit-earth-based rhythmic reunion.

  • Union of core physical and spiritual power.

  • Sacred feminine and masculine integration.

  • Embodied and conscious energetic, spiritual, and physical connection.

  • A global network and community of powerful practitioners, healers, teachers, and therapists.

I created DanceLahi to help others find their roots and inner connections to their True Self through movement while feeling free, anchored, aligned, and empowered to BE who they are.

My focus has always been to integrate the science of healing, the secrets of how universal Infinite Source energy work, spiritual awakening, technical dance and movement mastery, and how light works in the body, mind, and soul.

DanceLahi™ is offered as a two-week in-person training offered 1x a year in a beautiful location. Upon completion of Dance Lahi™ training, you will be awarded a Facilitator Certificate from Spirit Gateways® Institute. Online video teachings will support your continued progress as a practitioner and facilitator.

If you are interested in DanceLahi professional training, email Iana and put 'DanceLahi' in the subject line.

The Origins of DanceLahi 

DanceLahi™ was birthed in 1975 in the dance studios of the renowned California Institute of the Arts as I began unraveling my extensive traditional and innovative professional modern dance training and my training in Cecchetti technique as well as Russian ballet.  

I had been meditating since 1968 and was deeply pursuing the essence and technique of the original modern dance masters of the early and mid-20th century.

While in the studio one day I experienced a profound opening in my body and an exuberant passion to understand how movement is connected to the Source within me (us) through learning how to consciously connect to the presence of Source energy, God, and the universe through my (our) body.

Technique and improvisation were integrated over the next decades after also studying world dance, mime, and a very deep dive into classical dance with the great ballet Russian dance master Mia Slavenska who was in the Ballet Russe De Monte Carlo. The powerful influence of working directly with and being trained by Bella Lewitzky, Jose Limon, Martha Graham, Merce Cunningham, and Alvin Ailey had a significant impact on my dance and more importantly my life.

In my desire to understand how soul and the body interconnected, I was trained in more than 20 forms of innovative and leading edge healing arts including deep body-centered healing as well as subtle energy that flowed through and around the human body which as the universal pulse was literally everywhere. I became a mother of two girls, studied acting in Los Angeles, and was mentored by several Sacred Medicine Holders and Healers.

As I began to do deep inner emotional healing in the 1980’s, I became more in touch with how Universal Source moved in my BEing. I began to integrate movement and energy  and emotional healing in my personal inner work and my rapidly expanding professional healing and coaching practice with clients.

I discovered universal themes and alignments that became the center point of my healing work with clients and my on-stage performance work.  

I lived intimately and devotedly in the currents of spiritual transformation and what that truly means.


How is DanceLahi different than classical dance trainings?

Your outer form is created through the alignment and meeting points of your energy system with the natural energetics of the cosmic light within you. You will be guided into the core channels of life and cosmic energies in and around your spine, that are discovered in ballet, and certain Kriya and higher Kundalini practices.

How is DanceLahi different than modern and contemporary dance trainings?

You will begin by making the conscious connection into your soul as your body and mind are unified. Your movements are executed and expressed from discovering BEing ONE within your Self and igniting the core light within you. You will experience familiar overlapping themes as you would with modern dance that work with flow, release, balance, alignment, expansion, and contraction and more.

How does DanceLahi fill a void in dance movement training?

You are guided to “perform” movement from a surrendered inner and outer place where your physical actions are always connected to your relationship with the light and dark within you, and then into the transcendence of your consciousness into ONEness. Your physical body is an extension of the depth, power, and love experienced through entry into the divine within you while you execute healthy use of your body, and correct core and muscular engagement.

How does DanceLahi facilitate internal growth and spirituality?

You will feel connected in an authentic and genuine way to step through pre-set ideas and holding patterns in your body to open into the full spiritual spectrum of consciousness within you. Your experience becomes integrated-awakened meditation in action and more, as you break through and break free of your programming into liberated technically and fully expressed dance.

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