Born To BE You
It's Your Birthright To BE Your Greatest Self
You have heard and read that there is no one like you.
But, how do you tap into and discover the You that was Born To BE You?
Time and time again you have attempted to hold your own, BE true To You, but you slip out and you do not know why.
In Born To BE You, you will discover a practice to help you to stay true to who you are and walk forward each day towards BEing deeply devoted to your happiness, well-being, and destiny path.
You will:
Embrace the purpose of your life.
Find the connection point into your heart and soul.
Move through fear Into loving acceptance of who you are.
Born To BE You Course Contents
Module 1 - Who Are You?
A. Why Are You Here?
B. Saying Yes or No To You
C. Remembering Who You Are
Module 2 - Igniting Your Heart
A. Awakening Your Light
B. The Struggle To BE YOU
C. Coming Out Of The Dark
Module 3 - Finding the Voice Of Your Soul
A. Directing Your Mind
B. Finding The Forgotten You
C. Giving Your Self The Space To BE
Module 4 - Through Fear and Beyond
A. What You Must Say Yes To
B. Dissolving Fear
C. BE Connected