Ride The Next Wave Of Spiritual Evolution For These Times
Spirit Gateways® Passport To Freedom™
Coming Soon

Access The Source That Never Changes.
Recalibrate Your Life.
We live in unprecedented and unpredictable times of global, social, and personal unrest. Our lives are mirrors for the collective consciousness and on a profound spiritual level we are all being given the opportunity to end the inner battles and turbulence within our Self and discover what really matters.
It is a time to break through and transform the belief systems—the energetic conscious and unconscious imprints within our mind for the purpose of living and BEing our True Self.
Your Ticket To Life As A Cosmic Adventurer
Spirit Gateways® Passport To Freedom™ is a destination experience that takes you on a spiritual adventure of realizing and BEing your True Self.
Spirit Gateways® Passport To Freedom™ guides you on the adventure of discovering freedom and pure joy through a new body, mind, and soul Liberation Roadmap
When the super-consciousness powers within your soul are fully awakened and integrated your life work, career, creativity, sexuality, and significant relationships are anchored, energized, and aligned to give you greater strength, clarity, intuition, illumination, and realization.
Passport To Freedom™ is a one-of-a-kind program that can catapult you through many of the struggles that we as humans collectively face today, including sexuality, love and intimacy, money, career and business, relationship to Self and others, life mission and purpose, and breakthrough, completion, and fulfillment on the deepest most profound and revealing levels of self-realization and empowerment.
Passport To Freedom™ offers cutting-edge integrated wisdom teachings for men and women to move into a new personal and global alignment to expand and fulfill your soul purpose and promise to your Self.
Passport To Freedom™ is an integral element in the Spirit Gateways® 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™ and is included in your subscription to the Evolutionary Empowerment™ Global Village membership.

Experience BEing One With The Source Of
Your Infinite Light, Love & Divine Intelligence
The essence of our soul when fully awakened and integrated anchors, energizes, and aligns our life work, career, creativity, sexuality, and significant relationships.
By living in the center point of our true power, the light of our soul can be expressed in our lives and in the world with greater focus, love, and ongoing success.
Spirit Gateways® Passport To Freedom™ takes you on a journey into the heart of your life. You are given higher understandings, practical evolutionary practices, and the roadmap to the mystical, transformative, and timeless healing secrets that give you the direct experience of how God, sex, money, awakening, meditation, movement, and life are One, giving you the authentic experience of how to fulfill your material, emotional and spiritual aspirations.
Heal Your Mind.
Heal Your Heart.
Realize Your Soul.
Spirit Gateways® Passport to Freedom™ gives you the experience of seeing, feeling, meeting, and merging with your True Self in every Passport class experience, practice, and teaching.
Spirit Gateways® Passport To Freedom™ gives you access to the Source that never changes. As your spiritual momentum increases the enlightening voice, embodiment, wholeness, expression, purpose and direction of your life shifts into a new matrix where you become One with the higher universal and cosmic energies of creation allowing your life to be a breakthrough experience beyond the how’s and why’s that create living in suffering, despair, unfulfillment, fear, sorrow and pain to transform into energetic aliveness, joy, pure power and a love for life.
BE guided into the center point of your human-divine power to experience the profound light of your soul and to mend your mind and spirit from being the effect of ego and separation frequency, and instead shift into divine union with the Source within your Self.
Jump Into The Center Point To Meet Your True Self
It’s time to cut the cords with what no longer works in your life and what is holding you back from becoming One with the You that is beyond fear, pain, self-judgment, and old sanskaric patterns that are preventing you from realizing your True Self. Embark upon the Spirit Gateways® Passport To Freedom journey and set your Self free to BE.
Spirit Gateways® Passport To Freedom™ guides you to break free from the angst, confusion, pain, and suffering that life can bring and gives you the way to:
Embody your True Self.
Enlighten your life journey as man.
Enlighten your life journey as woman.
Create and sustain deeper intimacy with your Self and a partner.
Experience heightened sexual-spiritual orgasms, intimacy, and bliss.
Discover how to live in ONEness and live the life that you came to live.
Heal your core existence wounds causing financial, relationship, sexual, and self-love challenges.
Increase your compassion and passion to shift your life into the full expression of BEing all that you are.
Go beyond worry, grief, loss, fear, illusion, drama, and trauma by transforming your relationship with suffering and pain.
Realize your money purpose and power, and succeed at co-creating abundance with the Infinite Source of life.
Deepen your commitment to your soul purpose through healing your relationship with your original life force energies.
Know freedom, the kind that keeps on going while bringing you closer to the Source point of your divine interconnection with infinite intelligence, kindness, and inspiration.
Break through the belief systems that keep you bound and entangled to social, familial, collective, karmic, and soul grids.
BEcome One With The Universal Energies Of Creation
& Recalibrate Your Life Into Higher Alignment
Spirit Gateways® Passport To Freedom™ guides you through a progression of self-initiations that give you a direct experience of ONEness through embodying your True Self into your life.
Spirit Gateways® Passport To Freedom™ consists of six online video modules that support profound awakening, realization, empowerment, and healing in every class.
Passport I - Ignite The Wave: Introduction and Overview
Begin the journey ahead and gain insight to receive and implement all that the Spirit Gateways® Passports have to offer you.
Passport II - Ride The Wave: Gateway to BE™ - GODSEX, BEISNESS, HEART OF THE ONE
Transform and enlighten your relationship to sexuality, financial prosperity, and emotional well-being, and discover their interconnectedness.
Passport III - Love The Wave: The 21st Century Anointing - Men's Enlightening and Women's Enlightening
Men and women are brought into a new relationship with their deepest truth, light, and wholeness. Old patterns that isolate men and women from themselves and in relationship are realized, transformed, and healed.
Passport IV - One With The Wave: BELIGHT MEDITATION®
Experience a direct connection with Infinite Source by receiving a new meditation approach for 21st-century individual and collective awakening. You will experience the integrated power, divine awakening love, and pure Oneness through sacred initiations that transform darkness into light.
Passport V - Soar With The Wave: LoveToBE the Movement®
Open and heal your heart, unify and move from the Source of Creation. Discover Oneness and the pure power, joy, and bliss found within the 4 Pillars of LoveToBE the Movement®. Create profound states of reconnection and remembrance of your True Self.
Enter the center of your Whole Self and experience the singularity of pure Oneness—super consciousness—where complete healing, divine union, and realization come from. Expand. Evolve. Enlighten™ your personal pathway of awakening into BEing, and realize who and what you came here to BE to fulfill your destiny path.
The Spirit Gateways® Passport To Freedom™ provides you with the tools, practices, and teachings to the joyous destination goal of Oneness that is your birthright. Set into motion the life pulse of your True Self and ride the wave of your life with creative and divine intelligence, anchored strength and wisdom, courage and confidence, and delight and joy.
Grab hold of the Spirit Gateways® Passport To Freedom™ and travel through your old matrix of thinking, believing, and perceiving into a new matrix where sex, money, God, love, power, purpose, and service are realized as One.
To be kept informed of when the Spirit Gateways® Passport To Freedom™ will be released, please subscribe to our mailing.
You Are Here For A Reason, A Purpose,
And A Breakthrough Into Higher
Vibrancy, Exhilaration & Truth
What People Are Saying
“I am finding myself through my body. For the first time, I experienced being one with my sexuality. Instead of watching myself having sex, I was fully in my body and fully engaged. I experienced having my spiritual and life force currents soar up into my heart center and completely open me up to my light. My life is opening. I was offered 3 positions the week after the class ended and was hired by the one I wanted the most at the salary that I wanted. Thank you, Iana!”
Anna M., IT Management, Washington D.C.
“If you want to open, awaken and embody your true self — the you that you crave to create your life from in every moment, find and explode your gifts, free yourself from the karmic suffering that you silently carry within you, heal your relationship to the universe, others and God, successfully manifest your gifts into the world while simultaneously creating financial abundance through being in divine alignment with your spiritual Source, work with Iana. Through Iana's trainings and her One-on-One work, your life will take off, not from superficial ego yearnings and illusions, but from authentic, solid, ancient, and progressive pure wisdom applied for your evolution and personal happiness. You will understand why you are here, how to love your self and step into knowing true fulfillment. Iana is the blessing. She walks her talk and is a rare gift on earth.”
Kyle Daniels, Business Entrepreneur, Santa Monica, CA
“My entire life has continued to change in astounding ways and so will yours by training with Iana. I have complete clarity of the life that I want to have. I am ready to lead from this new calm. I feel free. For the first time, I know in my body what compassion and love really feel like. I can trust the love within me now. I know what I want. I am in forward motion.”
Simone Richardson, Management Consultant, New York, New York
“If you have ever considered that divine joy is your natural state of BEing and that somehow your finances, creative flow, spiritual connection, and harmony with life are connected to your sexual wholeness and integration—trust and make the leap into Iana’s masterful experience of remembering freedom and the power you were born to live.”
Evelyn Adams, Innovative Designer & Architect, Rome, Italy
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is this course called a passport and what can I expect to receive from it?
Spirit Gateways® Passport To Freedom™ gives you entry into the ancient roots of your truth Self—your True Self and enables you to experience through higher teachings how to access the Source within you and elevate your consciousness through your life work, sex, your relationship to money, and success, meditation, movement and birthing your whole Self into action so you can make a difference in the world.
Is the Spirit Gateways® Passport To Freedom™ for men and women?
Yes, most definitely. The differences of how men and women need to transform their wounds, their sexuality, and their hearts to create money, their life work, core relationships, and authentic spiritual growth are addressed and honored in the course. You are guided through the relevant steps needed to move through the core separations between your body, psyche, mind, heart, and universal Self, so that you can break through the limitations holding you back from BEing your whole You.
Do I need to have any prior meditation or movement experience to be able to enjoy the Spirit Gateways® BELIGHT MEDITATION® and Spirit Gateways® LoveToBE the Movement® modules?
Created for the beginner, or a highly advanced meditator or movement artist, both modules are crafted to give you the inside understanding and experience to open the channels of light in your physical and subtle bodies. All you need to do is to come to the classes ready to be present and curious.
Where does the information originate from that is taught in the Spirit Gateways® Passport To Freedom™?
All of the teachings in the Spirit Gateways® Passport To Freedom™ were created and conceived by Iana Lahi over the last 45+ years through her own spiritual-life path, inner work, and her work with clients and students.
What kind of changes can I expect in my life and inside of myself by taking the Spirit Gateways® Passport To Freedom™ online video course?
Each participant will experience what you are open and ready to receive. The level to which you apply the information and tools into your life will determine your results. Each module builds upon the prior module.
You can anticipate that you will have a heightened connection to your energetic and spiritual energies that you can implement into your life to create greater peace, clarity, focus, strength, and follow-through. Your relationship to your life can change through a deeper connection to your sexual energies and how they can enhance your money and life workflows.
By mending old hurts, sorrows, losses, and pain, you free up your life energies and can transform how you interface with your life and the world. The movement and meditation teachings can give you more energy, peace, ease anxiety, stress, and depression, and help you to restore feeling integrated and closer to the Source within you.
You may discover greater passion in all areas of your life, feel more creative and feel able to put into action your own ideas, name your needs in a relationship better, and ignite a deep inner fire to direct into making money, self-care, sex, and your relationship with the divine.