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Move Through The Veil
THE EGO course
Coming Soon

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Discern The False You From The True YOU
THE EGO course give you firsthand experience of why, when, and how your Ego was created and how to successfully navigate its sly tricks, behaviors, and beliefs that prevent you from accessing your True Self and BEing all that you can BE.
THE EGO course is presently in development and will be released in late 2024.
Subscribe to the Spirit Gateways® mail list to be kept informed of its release date
As a Spirit Gateways® Deepenings Course, THE EGO course is an integral element in the Spirit Gateways® 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™ and is included in your subscription to the Evolutionary Empowerment™ Global Village membership
Imagine What Your Life Can Feel & BE When You
Break Through Into Your True Self.
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